Many times, we, and yes, I'm including myself in this, use the words "entrepreneur" interchangeably with "small business owner." The last few years though, we've seen a distinction made between the two that I think is important. Not all entrepreneurs are small business owners, and not all small business owners are truly entrepreneurial. What does that mean?
An entrepreneur has a mindset. Creative. Innovative. A problem-solver. These are actually the types of employees you usually want, too. An employer wants someone who will take the initiative, think outside the box, and solve problems. An employer wants someone with the entrepreneurial mindset.
A small business owner isn't necessarily that creative or innovative. Until Covid, many did business the same way they've always done it, not wanting to try anything new. Covid pushed them out of their comfort zone. They had to be creative in ways they served their customers instead of the customers forced to "take it or leave it."
If you are a small business owner, are you entrepreneurial? Something to consider.